Phoenicia Honey Co. Bzzzzzzzz.....

Upstate Dispatch: Saturday Shopping: Local Honey

Upstate Dispatch: Saturday Shopping: Local Honey
Honey: a form of address, miracle food, medicinal unguent and mysterious immortal time traveler, having been found in Egyptian tombs intact, it has survived thousands of years. If only those crusty, aged urns of the amber nectar could speak, they could convey untold stories. What honey’s secret to eternal freshness? Lack of moisture, according to the Smithsonian Magazine and a combination of the following factors that produce a rare quality.

Phoenicia Honey Company: Sweet infused raw honey to sweeten your palate

From Hudson Valley Good Stuff:

Phoenicia Honey Company, invited Hudson Valley Good Stuff to a private honey tasting in uptown Kingston at Chill Media North, a public relations company  Confession: I have loved honey since I was a kid. I once snuck off with an entire teddy bear plastic bottle of honey and consumed it in one sitting. So, of course, I was eager to taste the new honey creations from Phoenicia Honey.